by Stefan Ferstl
Running IPFire instead of a cheap plastic router is a good thing. But when your IPFire’s disk crashes, all the little settings that you have made over several years are lost (think of the last “smart” device that you allowed WIFI access). Fortunately, IPFire is able to create backups of its configuration in /var/ipfire/backup
. Backups can be triggered via System -> Backup in the UI. Even better, IPFire automatically creates a backup before each update. So if you update IPFire regularly, you’ll also have recent backups.
In case of a disk failure all you need to do is buy a new disk, download and install IPFire and load the backup via a few UI clicks. However, “loading the backup” requires to backup the backup to a safer place beforehand. In this example, I’ll describe how to trigger the backup process directly, copy the backup files to a Synology Diskstation via SSH and how to setup the Diskstation to receive such backups. With a few tweaks the following steps will also work on other Unix-like systems.
Setup a SSH keypair, e.g. using ECDSA with 521 bit keys
ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -b 521
# create a home directory for the user (use the group that you assigned in the Diskstation UI)
mkdir -p /home/ipfire
chown ipfire:<mygroup> /home/ipfire
chmod o-rx /home/ipfire
# Edit /etc/passwd and set the home directory and a login shell
ipfire:x:<userid>:<groupid>:ipfire backup:/home/ipfire:/bin/sh
Login as the backup user and configure SSH
# Create the .ssh folder
mkdir .ssh
chmod go-rx .ssh
touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
on the IPFire host) into /home/ipfire/.ssh/authorized_keys
Create a backup script, e.g.
function log() {
echo "$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %T"): ${message}" >> "${LOG_FILE}" 2>&1
log "Creating Backup of ${SOURCE_DIR}"
# "include" will add the log files to the backup
"${BACKUP_SCRIPT}" include
log "Finished with exit code $?"
# Backup all addons
for f in $(find "${ADDON_DIR}/includes" -type f); do
addon=$(basename $f)
log "Creating backup of Addon '$addon'"
"${BACKUP_SCRIPT}" addonbackup "$addon"
log "Finished with exit code $?"
log "Copying backup to ${HOST}:${DESTINATION_DIR}"
scp -r "${SOURCE_DIR}" ${USER}@${HOST}:"${DESTINATION_DIR}" >> "${LOG_FILE}" 2>&1
log "Finished with exit code $?."
log "Backup done."
Link the backup script in fcron.daily
cd /etc/fcron.daily
ln -s /root/ copy-backup
and /etc/fcron.*
are not part of the backup. Describe how to include them into the backup